How Can I Look More Like A Viking?

How Can I Look More Like A Viking?

The Age of the Vikings might have ended centuries ago, but their legendary presence continues to captivate us through films, TV series, comics, and stories. Many enthusiasts are now eager to adopt the Viking zeal in their lives, wondering how they can look more like these early medieval Scandinavians. While it might be tempting to don horned helmets and grow thick beards as seen on television, there's much more to embodying the Viking look than meets the eye.

If you're keen on adopting the appearance of Vikings but aren't sure where to start, you're in the right place. Below, you'll find essential insights about Viking characteristics and practical tips on how to achieve their iconic look.

Unveiling the Viking Image

Unveiling the Viking Image: Myths vs. Reality

The Truth About Horned Helmets

Contrary to popular belief, Vikings didn't wear horned helmets into battle. This common misconception originated from a 19th-century Wagner opera. In reality, Vikings wore conventional iron helmets to protect themselves. Horned helmets had minimal practical value and were likely never used in combat, as they could easily become entangled in close-quarters fighting.

Physical Presence: The Viking Build

Vikings are often portrayed as towering and imposing figures, a reputation bolstered by historical accounts of their raids. However, archaeological evidence suggests that Vikings were, on average, shorter than their modern descendants due to poorer nutrition. Despite this, their physical presence was still imposing to those of the time, who had even less access to nutritious diets.

Hygiene Habits

Far from the dirty, unkempt image often depicted in popular culture, Vikings actually valued personal hygiene. Archaeological discoveries of combs, toothpicks, and ear cleaners, as well as historical records, reveal that Vikings combed their hair daily, changed their clothes regularly, and bathed at least once a week.

Fashion Sense

Determining the exact clothing of Vikings is challenging due to the decay of textiles over time. However, remnants and historical drawings indicate that Vikings had a reasonable sense of fashion. Men typically wore trousers, woolen coats, and hats, while women donned double-layered dresses with built-in sleeves.

Battle Scars

Vikings' combat prowess often left them with battle scars. Archaeological evidence shows signs of weapon-inflicted wounds on Viking skeletons, though the exact impact on their appearance remains uncertain. Nevertheless, it's reasonable to assume that many Vikings bore visible scars from their numerous battles.

Achieving the Viking Look

Achieving the Viking Look: Practical Tips


  • Avoid processed and sugary foods.
  • Consume plenty of meats and vegetables (e.g., chicken, fish, beef, cabbages, peas, beans).
  • Aim for a daily caloric intake of 3,000 to 5,000 kcal, depending on your height.


  • Focus on compound movements in your workouts.
  • Lift weights four to five times a week, with each session lasting one to two hours.
  • Maintain body fat within 10-20%, adjusting for seasonal variations.
  • Engage in physically demanding activities regularly.


  • Opt for simple, durable clothing that can last multiple seasons.
  • Choose collared shirts to emphasize your physique.
  • Invest in leather boots to enhance height and masculinity.
  • Avoid cheap-looking sneakers and T-shirts, which can undermine the Viking aesthetic.
  • Grow a scruffy beard and take good care of it, but avoid mustaches.


Embarking on the journey to look like a Viking involves more than just wearing certain clothes or growing a beard. It's about embracing the physicality, hygiene, and fashion sense of these legendary warriors. By following these practical tips on diet, exercise, and dressing, you can channel the true spirit of the Vikings and embody their iconic look with authenticity and confidence. Whether you're preparing for a themed event or simply wanting to incorporate Viking elements into your everyday life, these guidelines will set you on the right path to achieving a genuine Viking appearance.

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